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Early Career
Special Interest Group

Pile Of Books


The Early Career Special Interest Group will host seasonal events to facilitate connection and collaboration with group members throughout the year. 

Annual Meeting 

Join us for a roundtable discussion with veteran and early career educators as part of the annual AETA conference.


The Community for Early Career English Educators



The Community for Early Career English Educators was created to empower and support new teachers through their first-year transitions, trials, and triumphs.


Designed with the new teacher in mind, our weekly meetings will serve as a space to discuss and apply scholarship in English education, navigate experiences in and out of the classroom, and cultivate sustainable teaching practices.


In this small and intimate PLC, we aim to foster authentic relationships among colleagues while supporting personal and professional growth. Meetings will cover topics important to our field through workshops, discussion, and guest speakers (including the Central Arizona Writing Project!).


Each participant will receive pedagogical texts as well as numerous teaching resources.​ This community will also provide an introduction to professional organizations and opportunities, and exclusive invitations to workshops and summer institutes. A certificate of Professional Development (12+ hours) will be awarded to each member during the final meeting. 


The community is open to all secondary English educators (regardless of AETA membership or affiliation). Weekly in-person meetings will begin in late July and last through October (exact meeting day/time will be determined by participants). There is no cost to participate. 




The Early Career Special Interest Group and associated events are directed/led by Michelle Glerum. If you have any questions, please email her at

Student Teaching Community


The Student Teaching Community was designed to offer support and camaraderie for future teachers. Monthly meetings will focus on questions and discussion regarding ELA curriculum, teaching, and the student teaching experience.  


Meeting Details:

The exact date and time will be determined by the group. Please sign up below if you are interested in joining this community! â€‹

Writing on the Board
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